
Do They Make This In My Size?

I don't have kids but I do live across the street from GAPKids.  So that sort of qualifies me as a children's fashion expert, right?  Despite my best efforts, my heart does melt slightly whenever I see the adorable little mannequins dressed in stylish mini adult-like outfits:

Shimmer & Shine
Outfit from GAPKids To Buy
(please look at the tall boots...adorbes)

I mean and really...could this be the cutest thing you have ever seen?

Tulle Sequin Dress
$54 at GAPKids To Buy

I am also pretty sure I am going to begin searching for an adult-version of this outfit.  I mean it is called "Party Cardi" after all....minus the Mimi la Rue tank...R.I.P.

Party Cardi
Outfit from GAPKids To Buy

If you want to ooh and aah for a few minutes, click through the Glamour Girl, Ruby Slippers and Admiral's Club collections.  Guaranteed you will be asking yourself the same question I am...do they make this in my size?

And if you thought the girl's clothes were too cute for words, the boy's outfits make the GAP men look like frumps...no offense.

Fully Wooly To Buy and Sharp Shooter To Buy
Outfits at GAPKids

I love this snowboarder sweater becaue of its childish nod to the Fair Isle trend in adult fashion...even though I am sure most boys would NOT choose to wear this sweater:

Snowboard Cardigan
$42.50 at GAPKids To Buy

And look at these little skull slippers.  The little boy in your life can dress like a mini Chuck Bass.

Skull Slippers
$16.50 at GAPKids To Buy

Although the girl's stuff is beyond cute, the boy's stuff is too.  Of course I love it because a lot of the boys' stuff has skulls on it from a really stylish pair of boots (I would totally wear in an adult version) to the cutest pj's where the skulls' crossbones are guitars!  Definitely something for every little guy on your list.

Like I said, not a parent, so I am not the best judge on whether this stuff is "practical" or "goofy."  I just know the stuff is cute and if those heart melting mini-mannequins are any indication of what is inside those GAPKids' 4 walls, I know I would hit that store up for the youngsters in my life.

Just someone stop me if you see me trying to wedge my feet into a pair of ruby slippers. 

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